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Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Crown Court : No Smoke without fire


Welcome to my Crown Court blog, created specially for my friends!!
Some of the episodes posted here are taken from this Volume 6
of the Crown Court TV series, as shown below. 
Volume 7 has just been released early this 
You can do a search for this volume when you 
are at the Amazon website by clicking on the 
widget below!!

Volume 7 consists of 12 episodes:

The Woman Least Likely... – Regina v Rutland

A Case of Murder – Regina v Povey

The Assault on Choga Sar – Wainwright v Bowman

Duress – Regina v Mallard

30,000 Pieces of Silver – Porter v Porter

Nuts – Regina v Holloway

Confine to Solitary – Regina v Hogarth

Big Annie – Robertson v Ash
Falling Stars – Leigh v Glynn
Son and Heir – Regina v Carvell
Death in the Family – Regina v Durrant
Minnie – Regina v Barlow

Season 2, Episode 142: No Smoke Without Fire

Original Air Date—5 December 1973
The prosecution claim that the accused, Mr Bennington, was responsible for an arson attack on the home of a man who he suspected of having an affair with his wife. Mr Bennington denies the charge and claims that he was at home asleep following a heavy drinking session at the time.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, is it possible, to get a copy of crown court vol. 7?
